Usui/Holy Fire III World Peace Master Training
Are you ready to take your next journey to become a Reiki Master to help spread this healing energy around the world? Advanced Reiki Training (level 3) is combined with the Masters Training to bring you all the knowledge you require to teach others and bring a higher level of energy into your sessions and the most exciting part is that it is all directed by the Holy Fire energy. Those with any lineage of Reiki 1, 2, 3 can take the class with no need to redo the previous levels as Holy Fire. NEW now included in training is how to offer Reiki online following the Holy Fire III guidelines.
Program Includes:
The explanation of the unique ways experience, placements and Ignitions are performed and how they are taught plus the history of the Holy Fire symbol
Explantation of the Soul and Spirit, the Three Heavens, and Letting go of Guides
You'll learn and be ignited with the Usui Master symbol and the Holy Fire symbol.
You will experience 4 experiences, 1 placement, 4 ignitions.
Using crystal and stones and how to make a crystal grid to help send healing energy.
Review class outlines and discuss how to teach as well as the information to teach online..
Usui/Holy Fire III ART/Master Manual and certificate are included.
Prerquiste: Level 1 & 2 of any reiki lineage
Lunch and nutritious snacks are included.
Cost: $550 - $100 nonrefundable deposit required at time of registration with balance due the first day of class. Arrangements can be discussed. Space is limited. Please call if you have any questions. 204 299-0302